With American Thanksgiving approaching, it’s time for reflection and gratitude. Gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness, both in our personal and professional lives. In the workplace, gratitude starts from the top down. Leadership sets the example for company culture with their teams.

As we inch closer to the new year, companies should begin thinking about employee engagement surveys. These surveys benefit management, giving them a peek into how employees feel. Employee feedback is crucial to see what works and what needs improvement in the workplace.

Surveys are as enjoyable as a Thanksgiving meal

Imagine an employee engagement survey like a Thanksgiving meal. The menu options may be separate dishes, but they go together. You can’t have a turkey without stuffing, any more than you can have mashed potatoes without gravy. Each employee’s feedback may not be the same, but they all benefit workplace culture.

If you’re wondering how you’re doing with employee well-being and engagement, go straight to the source. Let’s look at why employee surveys are as enjoyable as your upcoming feast.

Feedback is more like pumpkin pie and less like brussel sprouts

Companies love to hear positive feedback. However, it’s the criticism that helps improve their organization. The negative feedback is not only a business’s chance to better operations and take it to the next level but also a significant opportunity for leaders to build a closer relationship with employees on their team. Constructive changes show employees they are heard.

The ultimate goal of company culture should be to have happy and successful employees. Therefore, management must survey their teams to see where they currently stand. Just as you want to continue doing what motivates your employees, you should want to stop actions that harm your employees.

Founder and CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, shared his thoughts on constructive criticism, “You listen, you ask are they right, or even if they’re not completely right is there some piece of it that’s right that you can be inspired by.”

Employee feedback is not a company’s enemy but one of its biggest strengths.

Season recognition with empathy and clarity

A lack of employee recognition can damage company performance. That is why you must survey your employees on the topic. Employees who feel a lack of recognition can quickly become disengaged. Disengaged employees can lead to increased turnover rates, less employee empowerment, unsatisfying performance results, and poor team culture. None of which a company wants.

If leaders want to improve employee engagement, 58% of employees said they should “give more recognition.”

Employees may initially work for money but go the extra mile for recognition and praise. Workers feel ownership and pride over their work when rewarded for their contributions. As a result, they are more willing to work just as hard on their next project. Recognition boosts morale, increases productivity, and builds positive relationships.

How you give recognition also matters. In your survey, ask additional questions on how the employees feel about any recognition received. Leadership should provide recognition with empathy and clarity, associating positive feedback with specific tasks or projects. This tells employees which efforts are noticed and appreciated.

A community that ensures everyone has a seat at the table

Building a community within a company gives employees a sense of belonging and connectedness. A workplace community is the heart of employee engagement. How workers feel when working dramatically impacts an organization’s success.

More businesses are putting their resources behind diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives. Some are going as far as creating entire departments around the matter. However, D&I is more than just policies, programs, and headcounts. It’s about earning more trust and commitment from employees, letting them know everyone is welcome – no matter what.

Ensuring a diverse workforce has many benefits. A work environment filled with employees of different backgrounds, skills, and knowledge means creative ideas will increase. Ultimately, including broader perspectives in brainstorming, problem-solving, and developing sessions will keep your company innovative.

80% of workers say they are happiest when working at a company that values diversity and inclusion. Additionally, 60% say they would like their leaders to be more vocal about the issue.

It’s no secret that it’s up to leadership to make employees feel welcome. Their job is to ensure everyone knows they have a seat at the table.

Stuff your workplace with balance and wellness

Years post-pandemic, work-life balance and wellness are still at the forefront of every professional’s mind. It’s the main reason employees consider changing jobs or careers. Companies that shifted their priorities to balance and wellness hold the highest employee retention rate. Though, that’s easier said than done. It takes strategic business planning.

For example, organizations are incorporating the hybrid work model — which not only allows their employees to balance working from home and in the office but gives them room to downsize real estate. Doing this permits them to allocate more funding toward new wellness programs. These programs show employees that leadership supports their physical, mental, and emotional health, making them more likely to stay.

When leaders see their employees as individuals rather than just workers, magic happens. Today’s workplace must encourage employee flexibility and well-being, or it will get left behind.

Break a wishbone for job security

Employee engagement surveys can also measure how workers feel about job security. This topic is highly relevant today, with top tech companies continuing mass layoffs. As professionals scroll on their LinkedIn, they see more and more posts of their friends and former co-workers getting laid off. While those posts do not directly pertain to them, it may leave them questioning their own security.

45% of workers said that job security and a pay increase are equally important. Both of which determine employees’ livelihoods — including how they will pay for housing, groceries, and gas. Without a stable job, professionals don’t have a consistent income.

Our jobs are how we provide for ourselves and our families. During economic uncertainty, you must reassure your team that they are valued. Employees who see how their job contributes to the company’s overall mission and goals feel more secure.

Workers shouldn’t have to wish for job security. Instead, they should know they are in good, steady hands — without ambiguity.

Ingredients for your employee engagement survey

The following questions help companies measure employee engagement and determine if they’re at risk of having employees secretly rage apply — individuals who actively use their working hours to search for a new job.

We recommend allowing your employees to respond anonymously to guarantee truthful answers. You can send this to your employees through Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or a similar platform.

Following the online survey, evaluate the questions where your employees’ rankings fell short and consider corresponding suggestions with your team. This will help you determine overall employee engagement and whether you need to make improvements.

May your employees be merry and engaging

Measuring employee satisfaction and collecting honest feedback empowers companies to make more informed decisions about attracting, developing, and keeping top-performing talent. By prioritizing engagement and constantly working to improve it, leaders build a workplace with happy employees who feel motivated and supported.

Getting feedback from your employees can be easier than putting together a five-course Thanksgiving meal. Employee engagement is one of the few opportunities for workers to share feedback without judgment.

Use the above survey to treat your employees right this holiday season and give them a voice!


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Jonathan writes about asset management, maintenance software, and SaaS solutions in his role as a digital content creator at Eptura. He covers trends across industries, including fleet, manufacturing, healthcare, and hospitality, with a focus on delivering thought leadership with actionable insights. Earlier in his career, he wrote textbooks, edited NPC dialogue for video games, and taught English as a foreign language. He hold a master's degree in journalism.