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Preview of Webinar Broadcasts Coming This Summer of 2021

Summary Mike Petrusky, your host of The Asset Champion Podcast shares a sneak preview of three upcoming live webinar broadcasts. It is your chance to be a part of the discussion, so bring your questions as John Fortin takes “A Deeper Dive into Why Execution Fails and What To Do About It” on 6/29/21, Suzane … Continue reading "Preview of Webinar Broadcasts Coming This Summer of 2021"

Preview of Webinar Broadcasts Coming This Summer of 2021

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Mike Petrusky, your host of The Asset Champion Podcast shares a sneak preview of three upcoming live webinar broadcasts. It is your chance to be a part of the discussion, so bring your questions as John Fortin takes “A Deeper Dive into Why Execution Fails and What To Do About It” on 6/29/21, Suzane Greeman discusses “Asset Risk Drivers for External Financial Partners” on 7/20/21 and Lucas Marino talks about “The power of project management, digital transformation and why you should invest in good logistics support analysis” on 8/24/21 …and (probably) plays some music from Rush. Lots of great stuff coming this summer!

Full Podcast Transcript

Disclaimer: Asset Champion is produced to be listened to. If you can, we encourage you to tune in on your favorite podcast platform. Transcriptions are generally a mixture of human transcribers and speech to text software, and can contain errors. 

Mike Petrusky: This is the Asset Champion Podcast, where we talk with facilities maintenance and asset management leaders about the industry trends and technologies impacting your organization. This show is powered by the iOFFICE Asset Division, delivering easy-to-use maintenance management software tools to help you drive powerful asset performance. 

Mike Petrusky: Hey folks, this is the Asset Champion Podcast, and I am your host, DJ Mike P, welcoming you to a special edition of the show. It’s episode 49, almost to the half- century mark for this series, and I am thrilled about that. Thank you so much to all of you who have been supporting us and sharing these episodes with your colleagues and friends, anyone interested in the topic of asset management, maintenance, and reliability. We have come a long way, but there is a long way to go, and I am excited to share with you in this special episode that we are planning a number of live broadcasts this summer. 

Mike Petrusky: I do love sharing these quick 20-minute to 30-minute episodes each and every Friday, but I also enjoy the deeper dive conversations that happen once a month via our webinar series, and you can find out all about it by visiting and going to the resources page. You’ll see the list of both past and upcoming events. 

Mike Petrusky: And I want to give you a little preview of what’s coming ahead starting with this month’s webinar. It happens on Tuesday, June 29th at noon, Eastern Time. I will be welcoming back episode 22 guest John Fortin. I had him on the show. He talked about his book called Why Execution Fails and What to Do About It. It’s all about change, management, efforts and some of the challenges that organizations face when trying to execute on these plans, and we’re going to take a deeper dive into the book and into John’s experience in this area. 

Mike Petrusky: He has a lot of practical experience, and a simple formula, and how- to examples to help us dramatically improve change success rates using what he calls the delta force model. He mentioned it briefly on the earlier podcast, but I want to really get into the details, and then I want to talk about some of his success elements for sustainable change, and he shares a lot about this on his website, So, I encourage you to check that out in advance. I’ll share with you a link in the show notes on how to register for this event. You could find that plus a link back to the original appearance, but as a little bit of a teaser, let me share with you just a little bit of what John had to say back on episode 22. Do you have a favorite business book or leader that has influenced your career? 

John Fortin: Yeah, I do. A matter of fact, I would say John Kotter, who wrote the… He wrote many books, but the first one I got involved in was called Leading Change. 

Mike Petrusky: Okay. 

John Fortin: By John Kotter. And when I was at that MWRA, that big utility in about our third year of making the change, we saw some great success and we won an award and it was just by chance the executive team brought in John Kotter training and the eight steps of change. And so we sat in a weeklong course and a couple of the guys who helped me with this program, we sort of stepped back and said,” Well, geez, we actually did these steps, these eight steps, not in particularly the order.” We didn’t even know about the book. So we went back and we wrote a paper. We mapped our experiences against the John Kotter eight steps. And I said,” Bingo, that’s it.” I’ve actually lived it. It’s a model works. And so I’ve been using that ever since 2002, 18 years ago. 

Mike Petrusky: Wow. 

John Fortin: And so there’s a couple other books but John Kotter is my all time favorite because I’ve actually witnessed his methodology works. The 4 Disciplines of Execution is another book that talks about you can only do four major changes at one time. And many of my clients, many of the work we do, there’s hundreds of different things we’re trying to do at the same time. So it’s got to be a fine balance between all of those. And so I find that executive sponsorship is a key piece of that. And there’s no real book on executive sponsorship. 

John Fortin: So when I published my second edition of the book, my clients were asking me,” John, I am the executive sponsor. What does that mean?” So my new chapter four has a small section on the art of executive sponsorship. Since I couldn’t find it in any of those books, I actually created my own. And I had a bunch of my clients review my material. And so the ART stands for, capital A- R- T, is the attributes of an executive sponsor, R is responsibilities and T are the top five modes of success that they should be looking at. And so I created this little lifecycle graphic for what it means to be an executive sponsor so that if you are one, you really know what you’re supposed to be doing because that’s been a key success that many clients have talked about. 

Mike Petrusky: There you go, folks, just a little bit from John Fortin and please make a plan to join us on Tuesday, June 29th at noon, Eastern, 11: 00 AM, Central Time for an hour-long live discussion. 

Mike Petrusky: Now looking ahead to later this summer, I am thrilled to welcome back Suzane Greenman to the show in July. I’ve invited her to broadcast with me on July 20th, again, noon, Eastern is the time and we will be diving into a topic that Suzane is very passionate about, asset risk drivers for external financial partners. And we are going to talk about some of the asset risks from a three- dimensional perspective and outline how they drive financial risks. And we’re going to provide some guidance in how external financial partners can establish visibility between financial risks and asset risks. Again, all of this is over my head, but Suzane will make it clear to us, I am sure. And if you are interested in hearing more from Suzane, please join us. Just to give you a little idea of what it’s like hearing from Suzane. She’s got the greatest personality. She really knows her stuff. She has a lot of great insight and experience in the world of asset management. And you might even hear some singing. Check this out. 

Suzane Greenman: First of all, we are seeing just plain change resistant jar. We call it change resistive workforce as a risk, but a lot of industry that are just not prepared. So between the actual assets themselves and then the other things like the IT infrastructure to support all of this, then we end up now with a lot of legacy systems that can’t really compete with any company, which is likely to be our competitor that was built, let’s say in the last five years. 

Suzane Greenman: And that’s just the reality. How do you as a company that’s been around forever and have all of these systems retool quickly enough or efficiently enough to be able to compete with what’s out there? So there is all of this technology. Then there is a fact that anything new that you buy will have it. And so your skill set and what your workforce looks like is going to have to be different. No, to respond to that. So, these things are just challenging all the way around. 

Suzane Greenman: So we might as well get on board and start to develop an asset information management system with a good digitalization strategy, working with the operational side of the business, the IT side of the business with engineering, so that when people are spec’ing new equipment, then they have the specs and the digital specs and network capability and all of those things that will go with the assets specifications. 

Mike Petrusky: What type of music do you like, Suzane? 

Suzane Greenman: Oh, this is really, going to say it now. So I am a huge country music fan. Country does it for me every single time. 

Mike Petrusky: Wow. 

Suzane Greenman: I am a huge Kenny Rogers fan. You know beard, before beard was a thing guy, I really, really loved Kenny Rogers. I think the first time I ever fell in love was with Kenny Rogers decades ago. And of course, being from Jamaica, reggae and dancehall are just in my blood, they just run right through my blood. So pretty much anything by Bob Marley, but also Shaggy and Buju Banton. 

Mike Petrusky: Kenny Rogers, I grew up on Kenny Rogers singing The Gambler. 

Suzane Greenman: Oh, that’s one of my favorites. 

Mike Petrusky: You’ve got to know when to hold them. Know when to fold them. 

Suzane Greenman: Know when to fold them. Know when to walk away and know when to run. You never count your money. 

Mike Petrusky: You never count your money. Yeah. When you’re sitting at the table, there’ll be time enough for counting when the deal is done. 

Suzane Greenman: When you’re sitting at the table, there’ll be time enough for counting when the deal is done. 

Mike Petrusky: All right. 

Suzane Greenman: Oh. I love it. 

Mike Petrusky: Awesome. Right? Suzane never disappoints and she will not disappoint if you join us on July 20th. Keep an eye out on my social media for the registration link. And we’re going to have a great time again at noon, Eastern. I hope you will be a part of that broadcast. And finally, in August, we have another returning guest back to join us for an hour long live discussion. You know him. You love him. The owner of the EAST Partnership, a great educator and content creator. You’ve seen him on LinkedIn. Lucas Marino will be coming back to the podcast to take a deeper dive into what he talked about. We had a great conversation around some of the technology and trends in the industry, but we’re going to talk specifically about the power of project management, digital transformation, and why you should invest in good logistics support analysis. All of these are items that Lucas is passionate about. And if you recall, he is also a passionate musician and we really had a great time discussing Canada’s best export, their greatest rock band of all time, Rush. And you never know what might happen when Lucas and I get together on a live broadcast. Here’s a preview of what that might be like. So we’re not talking Geddy Lee or Neil Peart. We’re talking Alex Lifeson, is it? Is that the guitar player? 

Lucas Marino: Yeah. 

Mike Petrusky: Bananananananana. Bananananananana. 

Lucas Marino: By the way… Yeah. He doesn’t get enough props. He is just an incredible guitar player. 

Mike Petrusky: No. Exactly. Yeah. Litulitulitulititulitulitulitu 

Lucas Marino: Yeah. It’s ridiculous. 

Mike Petrusky: Bam. 

Lucas Marino: Exactly. Yeah. 

Mike Petrusky: Punk rock is fantastic. 

Lucas Marino: Absolutely. So logistics, engineering and management is the whole enchilada, right? It basically takes a life cycle approach to managing assets, literally from concept and design, construction, in service and disposal, like all the way across the life cycle. If you were to reference the S- Series International Standards S3000L for logistics, would give you the scope of life cycle management and logistics engineering capacity. It encompasses all of it. And the traditional integrated logistics support world, you had a number of elements, including supply support, maintenance, and repair, reliability, availability, maintainability, analysis, everything, provisioning covered everything down to packaging, handling, transportation, storage, all of it. So if you own assets, logistics engineering applies to the life cycle management of those assets. 

Mike Petrusky: Okay. Wow. 

Lucas Marino: And so really what it does is it kind of ties it all together rather than treat them as individual silos. 

Mike Petrusky: All right. There you go, folks. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, August 24th at noon, Eastern. Lucas Marino coming back to the Asset Champion Podcast live this time. And that is exciting. I really do enjoy these conversations. You know why? Because you get to be a part of them. So, check the show notes, follow the registration links, keep an eye out on social media and come to join me as I talk to these amazing asset management leaders. Bring your questions and plan to join us as we continue on this journey to encourage and inspire each other, to be an asset champion. Peace out. You’ve been listening to the Asset Champion Podcast. We hope you found this discussion beneficial as we work together to elevate asset management success by improving efficiency, reducing costs and building best practices. For more information about how the iOFFICE Asset Division can boost the performance of your physical assets by providing comprehensive enterprise asset management software solutions, please visit 

[blog_cta id=’9c1f444b-df70-4be2-9967-7e307df68322′] Register for the LIVE Webinar on 6/29/21 – “A Deeper Dive into Why Execution Fails and What To Do About It” with John Fortin: Connect with John Fortin on LinkedIn: Listen to John on Ep. 22: Connect with Suzane Greeman on LinkedIn: Listen to Suzan on Ep. 2&3: Connect with Lucas Marino on LinkedIn: Listen to Lucas on Ep. 29: Connect with Mike on LinkedIn:

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As the host of both the Workplace Innovator Podcast and the Asset Champion Podcast, Mike's role at Eptura is to share thought leadership with CRE, FM, and IT leaders in the digital and hybrid workplace. As an in-demand public speaker, Mike engages audiences with his focus on the human element of workplace and facility management at International Facility Management Association, CoreNet, and other industry events.

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