Workplace leaders know that a fully engaged workforce cuts churn and increases overall productivity. But finding and implementing systems that constantly boost motivation can be a challenge, especially for enterprise-level organizations with many employees spread out over multiple locations.

Management teams need ways to clearly, consistently communicate strategic objectives and goals. And they need to show they’re helping everyone achieve them. An important avenue is empowering your workforce with the tech tools they need to fully engage with one another and move the company forward. 

It’s hard to overestimate the power of positive employees. Recent research on the value of employee well-being published by Forbes shows that “engaged” and “inspired” aren’t just feelings. In fact, there’re plenty of qualifiable behaviors tied to how much you invest in inspiring employees, including how engaged teams are 21% more profitable for the company and the top 20% of the most engaged teams boast a 59% drop in turnover and a 41% drop in missed days of work.   

Increase connection and collaboration 

When your employees check in to work each day, you want them to get down to business and take full advantage of their time there. Time spent tracking down teammates needed to complete a project leads to frustration, decreased productivity, and time lost. By removing roadblocks, you give employees a straight path to success.  

Work is no longer just about sitting in a cubicle and working solo on individual projects. More than ever, it’s about connection and collaboration. In fact, according to Eptura’s ongoing research into the latest workplace trends captured in the Workplace Index report, employees say they’re coming into the office specifically to meet and work with colleagues. 

So, it’s critical that workspace managers offer open spaces and co-operative rooms, paired with tech solutions to support and encourage full participation and collaboration. You need the right types of spaces and the tech that helps employees make the most of them. 

Critical to collaboration is an easy-to-use mobile application tied into a cloud-based all-in-one worktech platform. The result is an engaged workforce that produces a lot of real value from their time in the office because they can see the company values their time there. 

Streamline employee performance and productivity reviews 

Many businesses have invested in human resources (HR) software but remain unaware of just how many features these solutions can offer, which means they’re missing a lot of untapped potential. In fact, according to that same set of stats from Forbes, approximately 89% of human resources leaders believe continuous peer review and feedback are vital to successful productivity. 

Companies can use tech to track employee performance and gather information for a more productive performance review. Best of all, it makes it easier for employees to capture data on their work, helping them show the company just how much value they’re delivering. 

HR technology today offers an opportunity for managers to collaborate with employees during the review process, ensure each employee is on track with individual goals, and identify strengths and weaknesses. Armed with this information, workplace managers can better match the skill to the job, redirecting employees to different positions if they feel their business productivity could increase elsewhere or they’re ready for a promotion based on past performance. 

Connecting with the Internet of Things (IoT) 

Many processes that were once manual are now automated, bringing about increased workplace efficiencies and predictive operations. Investment in smarter buildings and workspace tools offers management additional data and feedback, regarding customers, employees, and facility equipment, ensuring more control of facility costs and building conditions. 

For example, companies can invest in enterprise-wide visitor management systems (VMS) and leverage facility sensor data for data-backed decision-making. 

Duke University Medical Center and Health System (DUHS) ranks among the top hospitals in the country by U.S. News & World Report. While it’s the youngest of the nation’s leading medical centers, DUHS operates one of the country’s largest clinical and biomedical research enterprises, leveraging advances in technology and medical knowledge into improved patient care.  

By combining space-tracking data from a variety of sources to create a single accurate database, they saw a $120,000+ gain in annual operating efficiencies and 95% accuracy in occupancy statistics. 

Embracing machine-to-machine communication (M2M) 

The evolution of workplace solutions offers a higher level of communication; not just amongst staff members, but between equipment, as well. As workplace leaders strive for increased transparency and a steady flow of big data analytics, many are investing in M2M communication.  

Various devices now can communicate with each other, as well as with the Web and business software. Management teams gain immediate access to feedback regarding how, where, and by whom organizational assets are being used, details regarding system breakdowns, and the tools their workforce benefits the most from. These capabilities offer stronger workplace efficiencies which, in turn, generate a more engaged and productive workforce. 

Going with modern mobility 

With so much of life happening on people’s phones, workplaces need solutions that are truly mobile. In fact, a Mobile Helix survey of 300 IT decision-makers estimated that organizations would see nearly a 40% boost in productivity if key enterprise applications were mobilized. 

While mobile devices and apps are a great way to keep your workforce informed and connected, it is not the only option. Employee portals and team sites can also help keep teammates connected and allow for a steady flow of information. 

When your employees feel they are a valued asset and are a part of something special, they can be powerful advocates for the cause, supporting the business both internally and externally. This means investing in your workforce on every level. Offer them the tools and education they need to thrive, and you will see the company’s bottom line grow as well. 

But be strategic. Ask for input from various employees, get to know your workforce on an individual level, and realize that what works for one might be outside of another’s comfort zone. Ultimately, you are approaching each employee as you would each work task, where you assess the specifics, create a successful game plan and customize the solution. Treat the workforce with respect and help them to be successful and they will become an integral, productive part of the team. 

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Jonathan writes about asset management, maintenance software, and SaaS solutions in his role as a digital content creator at Eptura. He covers trends across industries, including fleet, manufacturing, healthcare, and hospitality, with a focus on delivering thought leadership with actionable insights. Earlier in his career, he wrote textbooks, edited NPC dialogue for video games, and taught English as a foreign language. He holds a master's degree in journalism.